Criminal Defense


Anyone accused of and charged with a crime will want to seek out a trusted attorney to help them. Whether the charge is a small misdemeanor or something much more serious, there's still a need for a lawyer to represent them. If you've been charged with a crime your future could depend on the quality of the representation you have, among other factors.

Even small charges can carry large consequences. These include fines, jail time, and a criminal record that may make it very difficult to get a job or build a career in the future. One of the ways to reduce the risk of those kinds of consequences is by working with your attorney to reduce or eliminate the charges against you. That's not a battle you want to try to fight alone. Help is needed.

Don't wait when you've been charged with a criminal act. The sooner you find an attorney to represent you, the sooner you can start building a strong defense against the issues you're facing. That gives you time to focus on any areas where your defense may not be the best, and for your attorney to get information from records, witnesses, and other areas to help with your case.

If you're in the New Orleans or Baton Rouge, LA areas and looking for legal help with criminal defense issues, contact us at The Khan Law firm for guidance and information today.

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